How to Make a Backsplash
How to make a backsplash for the IKEA Düktig play kitchen
So you can easily use our wallpaper of course!

I get asked this all the time and felt it was time I do my own little write up of how we made our interchangeable backsplashes for the Ikea Düktig play kitchen. I know myself and knew that I'd eventually want to change up the look of the kitchen and wanted an easy way to do so.
As the IKEA Düktig does not come with a backsplash, you'll need to make one, but don't worry - it's easy!
You can make the backing for the backsplash out of MDF, Ply or Corflute board.
I did some reading on other blogs and decided corflute board was the way to go. It's light, super easy to cut to shape at home, and most importantly, would mean I could interchange splashbacks easily!
I've linked the project board I purchased from Bunnings for $6 below, but they are also sold at Officeworks and even dollar shops! You should be able to get a few backsplash backings from the one corflute board. Depending on how well you trace and cut of course!
You'll now need to measure and trace the 'backsplash' onto the corflute board using a ruler or level and a pencil. Try to trace the backsplash so that you only need to cut 2 sides of the corflute board.
The size needs to be:
32cm High
68cm Long
This allows for a 1cm overhang above and on either side of the wallpaper so that it can be attached to the back of the kitchen.
Using either a stanley knife or pair of scissors, cut out the traced backsplash.
Take your time, you want it to be as straight as possible. Once you've done that, place it at the back of the IKEA kitchen and make sure its all straight and fits well.
Using your pencil, measure 1cm in from the top and sides of the backsplash board and mark it so that you can trace a straight line across the top and sides of the board that our wallpaper will sit within. Use the straightest edge for the bottom of the backsplash.

You should now have three straight lines making a 'box' on the corflute board for you to stick our wallpaper splashback within.
Simply unroll our wallpaper, peel the wallpaper backing sheet away from the wallpaper by approx 10cm, line up the edges with the bottom of the board and your traced lines and peel, stick & smooth!
You can reposition the wallpaper as many times as you need until you get it perfect..
It's now time to attach your backsplash to the kitchen. You can do this many different ways.. Using tacks, nails, hot glue or double sided tape. I however, chose to use velcro strips that are adhesive on both sides. I stuck a few strips on the back of the kitchen and then on the backsplash board in the 1cm overhang we left.
Simply line up the strips and press firmly so the velcro grabs and ta da!
This means you can use your remaining corflute board pieces and repeat the process. You will then have multiple backsplashes you can easily interchange by using the same velcro strips!!
Genius ;)

Corflute Board: